Simucon 2000 pictures

51 Aldrek
52 Who Goosed Aldrek?
53 Cyiera, Duelstar, Jaynae-Schannon and Kerinth
54 Cyiera
55 Cyiera again with a new hole in her tongue
56 Dainar Quartermoon Says "Hail!"
57 Duelstar waiting to order lunch
58 Duelstar again Still waiting to order
59 Alas Poor Duelstar Died of starvation while waiting for lunch.
60 Jadow, Tehara and Randies
61 Jaynae, Cyiera and Tehara Three of the most gorgeous women at Simucon
62 Kerinth and Schannon
63 Kerinth
64 Ophion and Tehara
65 Quavvy
66 Randeis- that's spelled R-A-N-D-E-I-S. Some have trouble with that.
67 Randeis and Tehara
68 Romulus
69 Summir and Aldrek Both fully clothed. We were impressed.
70 Summir
71 Tehara and Duelstar
72 Tejita and Jaieden-Jaynae (Mom! Tejis' pickin' on me!)
73 Summir and "Dave"?
74 Summir and Galyden