This year's Simucon featured partys, romance, friendship, lots of drink and some nudity. Pictures of nudity omitted.
01 Jadow and Cyiera
02 Cyiera, Duelstar, Danielle, and Kerinth
03 Randeis the Newbie Of course, his weapon and shield were bought from Celtic (hmmmmm) Vibration crits?
04 Randeis and Tehara
05 Jaynae and Newbie Randeis
06 Aldrek and Quavvy
07 Bloodsnake
08 Kerinth
09 Celtic and Tehara
10 Cyiera and Jadow
11 Cyiera and Tehara
12 Cyiera, Duelstar, Dannielle and Kerinth
13 Cyiera, Duelstar, Schannon-Jaynae and Kerinth
14 Cyiera, Jadow and Randeis
15 Cyiera, Jaynae and Tehara
16 Cyiera
17 Duelstar again
18 Duelstar and Chicken-Pooh
19 Duelstar and Tehara
20 Duelstar yet again
21 GM Aldrek
22 GM Ophion and GM Tehara
23 GM Ophion
24 GM Tehara and Duelstar
25 GM Tehara and GM Romulus
26 Celebrating your birthday with friends shows they care - Happy Birthday Kerinth
27 Jadow and Randeis
28 Jadow, Tehara and Randeis
29 Jadow, Tehara and Randeis again
30 Jadow
31 Jaieden (Jaynae), Tejita and Jehlena
32 Jaynae and Randeis
33 Kerinth
34 Kerinth
35 Kerinth yet again
36 Kerinth and Schannon-Jaynae
37 Mike and Tehara
38 Randeis
39 Randeis and Tehara
40 Randeis again
41 Romulus and Tehara
42 Romulus
43 Sassie and Duelstar
44 Sassie
45 Summir and Aldrek
46 Summir
47 GM Jicad and Summir
48 Tehara and Randeis
49 Jadow, Duelstar and Randeis